
Monday 12 October 2015

What's New - NanoWriMo 2015

What’s New – NanoWriMo 2015
Well everyone, it seems that we are rapidly coming up to that time again. The summer is nearly over, although I must say, today the weather is fabulous… it’s a pity I am working!
The Nano site ( has been updated and relaunched, so for all you wrimos, I suggest you to pop in and check everything on your dashboard is up to date, and, write some details about the novel you plan to do. Before you ask, yes, I edited mine this morning J For those of you who haven’t decided yet whether to join us in the month of literary abandonment, I urge you to give it a try, or for veterans of Nano, to do it again. It is a lot of fun, and there is nothing like having a push to squeeze out those creative juices.
I know that for many of you it has been a hard year, and my personal thoughts are with Francis because I know he has had some unpleasantries (judging from his Facebook posts), and I do hope he is feeling better. I like to think that everybody else is in fine spirits.
As some you may have already heard, I will be Municipal Liaison this year. I have had about thirty pages of documents in from Nano headquarters telling me what they expect me to do, and I must admit, it all seems a bit daunting. Having said that, I am sure that I will work my way into the role. Just be a bit patient with me while I get my head around it all. I have been away a lot recently for work, but hopefully there will be less of it over the next couple of months. Of course, any advice or suggestions about my new role will be gratefully welcome.
I have printed off some posters and flyers, and will be distributing them to a few shops and libraries. I will also be sending a letter with some posters to Falmouth College, to see if we can get some more recruits. A chatroom will be set up for Word Wars, and of course for any of us who just want to talk, get advice, see what is going on. I will give you all details as soon as it is ready. I will also be available night and day for anyone who needs me.
Kick-Off meetings will be held at the Truro Arts Café on River Street on 17th October, and another at Cassandra’s Café in Coinagehall Street in Helston on 24th October. Both meetings are at 2:30pm. I am more than happy to do ones in Falmouth and Penzance, if there are people who want me to organise them too. For people further north, if you are interested in having a meeting near you, then get in touch and we can sort something out. I will list all meetings and get-togethers on the Nano site.
As for me… I have a deep passion for writing, as I am sure many of you already know. I have always been a storyteller, and the next logical step was to put some of them down on paper. I am not, by any means, a good writer. None of my manuscripts are even perfect in my eyes, but that doesn’t diminish the enjoyment I get from the craft. The way I see it, it is not the perfection that counts, but the journey to find it. This year, I will be bringing a story that I have had in my head for a long time to life. I have so far about twenty pages of notes, and no idea how I am planning to begin… Roll on 1st November!

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Fred Deakin
Design Engineer & Writer